Actor Tom Cruise recently revealed that it’s his daughter Suri, who helps him get better as an actor. He describes the script to Suri and then listens to her questions because he thinks it makes him a better actor. He says, “I put Suri on a swing and tell her stories when I’m working on a script. I start with the beginning of the movie and take her through the story beat by beat. Of course, I make it age-appropriate. She’s four years old. But she asks all the right questions, ‘Why does that happen?’ ‘Those are the bad guys?’ ‘You’re the good guy, right?’ It comes down to the same thing as when I was a kid. Can I create a character that will make her happy, that will make her laugh? And you know what? She makes me get better and better, because she’s always asking me to do it again.”
Suri, Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise
I jus love Tom more for this.....U jus rock!!!
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